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Elves, gay photoshoots, freezing weather, yoga, and swimming.

Elves, gay photoshoots, freezing weather, yoga, and swimming.

After a few days of fun adventures, yesterday served as a day to focus on our photo projects as well as catch up on our academic lessons. After a pretty nonchalant morning other than me getting our trip leaders to interlock their toes (see photo assignment 5) and braiding Trinity and Hannah's hair together, our trip to the community pool is where the day started to get interesting. Before entering the pool, I actually had a chance to lead our group in a super quick yoga session, which felt amazing. Once we reached the pool, we were all greeted by mandatory communal showers and very descriptive signs telling us exactly what to wash (lol). We braved the cold coming out of the showers and quickly jumped in the warm heated pool which still happened to be outside. Despite the fact I think we scared some of the Icelandic's there with our loudness, we all had a great time. When we were walking back to our guesthouse from the pool, we saw a group of blonde young icelandic girls, which our whole group knows are my favorite subjects. When we approached them nonchalantly to take their picture, they all ran screaming away which was pretty funny, and luckily I got a few photos of them before they were gone. After this, walking back on the street as a group of 12, we got honked at a bit, and almost got run over by a truck who didn't seem willing to stop. When we returned, we had breakfast for dinner, which although was not amazing as Bryndis's breakfasts (the woman we are staying with), was very good. After dinner, I created the last image for my 5th assignment series, which was quite the ordeal as it involved Devon and Charles going shirtless in freezing weather and having them pose seriously with flowers, while the whole group giggled watching. After that was finally over, we all posed for Kelsey's project, and the group took a trip up to the elf stone. The woman we are staying with strongly believes in elves (as do many icelandics) and talks to them and interacts with them regularly. She told us how the elves have certain power spots, usually stones etc. that are especially powerful and sacred. She took us up a mountain to an elf stone where we all had a reflective hour, which was really nice, even though the weather was in the low 30s. 

Today was certainly more action packed, and after a quick but beautiful breakfast from Bryndis and a discussion on our textbook reading, we geared up for our day. Our first stop on the trip was to crater that resembled mars as parts were orange, and others mountains of volcanic ash, all framed by the white icelandic mountains. From here we went to another group of bubbling craters which again felt extraterrestrial. Since we were all absolutely freezing on what had to be our coldest day so far, we made our way to lunch at a small bistro where I had the best vegan burger I have ever had. Finally after lunch it was time for the hot springs. Once again, we survived European communal showers and really enjoyed the quintessential bright blue icelandic hot springs, which felt great on our skin. When we got back we had some last minute work time before our Photo assignment 5 critique/ pizza dinner, where we got to see what came out of all the fictional stories we wrote for each other. 

Tomorrow is whale watching, so wish us warmth. brrrrrrrr. 

Whale-less watching

Whale-less watching

Photo Assignment 5

Photo Assignment 5